Preparing for the Workplace
The Show Low Public Library is offering a “Preparing for the Workplace” workshop every Tuesday from September 1st to November 20th. All workshops are free and take place only online. A four-unit series of online workforce workshops. Each unit lasts 3 weeks.
On September 1st, we’ll start with Setting Employment Goals. Do you know the difference between a job and a career? How about how to turn a job into a step along the path toward a career? Join the workshop and find out! All work occurs online and is self-paced, but participants must meet weekly with instructor to check in. Sign-up is required for all workshops. Each unit has a rolling start, so it’s never too late to join!
The library has computers available for use, if needed for these online workshops. The computers are available Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Office hours are available, by appointment only, every Tuesday and Wednesday, from 11-4 pm, and can occur via phone, Skype, or face-to-face.
For more information, call (928) 532-4065, or email Emily at [email protected].