SHOW LOW, Ariz. (May 19, 2020) — Show Low Public Library is excited to announce our annual summer reading program with online registration and the theme of “Imagine Your Story,” beginning on Friday, May 22. Library staff will be hosting a drive-by summer reading kick-off event at the library on Friday, May 29, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. After you have registered online at https://showlowpubliclibrary.azsummerreading.org/, drive by to pick up your summer reading bag and a cool treat and say hello. In-person summer reading programs will begin on Monday, June 8, with limited participation. Registration will be required since attendance will be limited to Governor Ducey’s guidelines related to COVID-19. In addition, “Make and Take” bags will be available for each activity for ages 5 through 12 for those who are unable to attend or if registration is full. For adult and teen activities, only in-person programs will be offered. You can find information on each activity on the Show Low Library’s Facebook page and Instagram. Registration for each activity will be available one week prior to start. Summer reading will continue through Friday, July 17, and reading minutes can be logged online through the end of that day. For more information or to register for the in-person programs, please call the library at (928) 532-4070.